Windev 5.5b: A powerful and versatile development tool
Windev is a software development platform that allows you to create cross-platform applications for Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, Web and more. Windev 5.5b is the latest version of this tool, which offers many features and improvements to help you create high-quality software faster and easier.
Windev 5.5b
In this article, we will explore some of the benefits of using Windev 5.5b for your projects, such as:
The ability to use external languages such as Visual Basic, C or Java with Windev.
The support for different types of integers, including system integers that adapt to the compilation mode.
The generation of skeletons and libraries for your applications.
The integration with other PC SOFT products such as WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile.
Using external languages with Windev
One of the advantages of Windev is that it allows you to use external languages with its own WLanguage syntax. This means that you can reuse existing code written in Visual Basic, C or Java, or use specific functions or libraries from these languages.
For example, if you have a Windev 5.5 application that uses Visual Basic to manage objects and HFSQL files, you can migrate it to Windev 28 by following these steps:
Migrate your project from Windev 5.5 to Windev 7.5 and open it with Windev 28.
Generate the skeleton of your application: in the data model editor, on the Analysis tab, in the Analysis group, expand Generation and select Advanced generation.
Recreate the library of your Windev application: expand the generation icon and select Other generations Generate the library (.wdl).
Delete the WinDevxx.Bas and WDHFxx.Bas files from the directory of your source codes (to avoid any confusion).
In your Visual Basic project, delete the reference of dependency to the WDHF.bas and WINDEV.bas files.
Copy the following files into the directory of your application: WDHF.bas (found in the ExternalLanguages\\Basic subdirectory of WINDEV), WINDEV.Bas (found in the ExternalLanguages\\Basic subdirectory of WINDEV), .Bas generated by WINDEV (found in the directory of the analysis of the WINDEV project), .gbl generated by WINDEV (found in the directory of the analysis of the WINDEV project).
Add these 4 files to the Visual Basic project.
Delete the calls to CALLDDE from your Visual Basic application. This function could only be used in the applications in 16-bit mode.
The management of menus can be performed by one of the following methods: Retrieving the shortcuts of menus with WDKEY = M: While WDKey ESC perform the input of the menu Call callwd (SCREEN,input) the status report WDKey is set to M when a menu choice was selected If (WDKey = M) Then '--------------------------------------- Test of the selected option. WDString contains the sequence of shortcut letters that lead to the selected menu choice '--------------------------------------- if ( WDString=FQ ) then WDKey = ESC Exit> If WDString = RN Then Call SearchCity Search by City
Supporting different types of integers
Another feature of Windev is that it supports different types of integers, ranging from 1-byte to 8-byte integers, both signed and unsigned. This gives you more flexibility and precision when working with numerical data.
For example, you can use system integers that automatically adapt to the size supported by the compilation mode (4 bytes for a program compiled in 32 bits, 8 bytes for a program compiled in 64 bits). This type of variable is useful when you need to store large values without losing accuracy.
To declare a system integer variable, you can use this syntax:
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